Home / About us
The Acco Theater Center was established in January 1985 by David Maayan and a group of actors. The center was founded as result of a need for total autonomy. Artistic freedom refers to choosing the material, the work process, the artistic product and its presentation.
The members of the center defined two goals in their work: one is artistic – creating a unique theater language – and the other is social activity as a community.
Today, the center is considered a unique and important phenomenon in the Israeli cultural area.
Its influence is evident in encouraging groups of creators, as well as single artists, to create out of a commitment to the work materials, out of an honest reference to the world in which they create, in the external circles – society and politics – to the internal circles of personal material.
The Theater Center now hosts theater and music groups working in it. The theater budget is made up of the Ministry of Education appropriations and self incomes.
1988 Play Award and Actress Award
“Memories of the second generation in the bosom of the old city”, Acre Festival
1991 Play Award and Actress Award
“Arbeit Macht Frei from Teitland Europe”, Acre Festival
1992 Margalit Award
Outstanding actress, Samdar Yaron
1992 Best Foreign Play Award
“Arbeit Macht Frei from Teutland Europe”, Germany
1993 Commendation
“The Divan”, Acre Festival
1993 First prize
“Arbeit Macht Frei from Teutland Europe”, Hamburg Festival
1996 Actress Award
Smeder Yaron, Zurich Festival
1996 Best Play Award
Direction Award, Lighting Award, TLS for Music
“Arabic Dream”, Acre Festival
1999 Performance Award
“The Anthology”, a two-artist festival
The Acco Theater Center is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports
For information and tickets:
04-9914222 / 04-9919634
Address: 1 Weizman St., Acco, Israel
© All rights reserved to the Acco Theatre Center